Body Pain

Hip Pain

Hip Pain Acupuncture Treatment

Unless we see that we should refer our patient to doctor’s care where the surgery is only way out of the problem, we love to heal the hip. No matter what cause brought this condition, the strength of the pain the patient has, we are going to identify the true reason of the problem and work towards the complete recovery from hip pain by eliminating the symptom and the root cause. 

Acupuncturist will inquire the overall body health condition and how serious the state of the hip inflammation. The differentiation will be a be a game changer because when it is an acute health problem – happened recently or for a first time, few treatments might help. 

When it becomes chronic – usually hip inflammation and pain lingering longer than 30-40 days counts as chronic, the recovery will take longer. Understand that acupuncture is a powerful healing method yet cannot change overnight the neural pathway in the brain that is already programmed with the information that the hip is dysfunctional. Such condition needs time… Yet it is possible! 

Clinical Relevance

Acupuncture helps you to get rid of any pain including hip pain. Get more understanding about the organs responsible for the health of your muscles, page 95-107, and connective tissues like tendons and ligaments, page 83-94 in my book, Your MindBody Alliance & The Truth About Acupuncture.

Our clinical experience shows that people who are not educated in anatomy and physiology are not aware of how to preserve their health. The lack of knowledge and understanding how mind and body correlate leads people to feel out of control over their own health. Reading this book everyone becomes knowledgeable enough to withstand any body health problem and preserve one’s health.

You can find the book in a paper cover or electronic version here:

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