Nervous System Imbalance
Anxiety or Panic Attack

Anxiety & Panic Attack Cause
Strong emotional impact like divorce, loss of dear person, constant stress, long-standing illness exhausting the mind and body energy. Having poor eating habits and lifestyle. Inability to control one’s emotions. Lack of relaxation, meditation, good rejuvenating sleep or having sleepless nights. Working and studying too hard weakening the mind and body power. Being too busy due to taking care of children or elderly parents. Accumulated stress consequently resulting in mind and body nervous exhaustion.
Anxiety & Panic Attack Symptoms
- Breathing difficulty
- Inability climbing stairs
- Inability to sleep
- Inability to drive
- Feeling insecure and anxious
Acupuncture Heals
To verify individual true cause of anxiety and Panic Attack we apply Japanese medical assessment based on thoroughly checking every reflex zone located on patients’ body. Human body has ability to reveal its condition through palpation. So, by such body health examination we identify the organs and systems caused initiation of anxiety. The seriousness and the depth of the harmful impact during the anxiety / panic attack.
It allows the acupuncturist to apply precise acupuncture protocol that is able to rebalance the organs and system identified during body assessment and restore patient’s health and wellbeing as soon as possible.
What happens after the first acupuncture sessions:
- Normalized breathing and sleeping ability
- Eliminated feeling anxiety
- Normalized driving ability
- Normalized walking up /down stairs
Summary of benefits after 3-5 acupuncture treatments:
- Energy level is balanced and elevated
- Appetite, eating habits & sleeping patterns are improved
- Patients got understanding of how to protect themselves from internal and environmental psychological hazard to prevent anxiety attack ever again
- Restored health and well-being
- Acupuncture provides an invaluable relief after anxiety and panic attacks
- The improvement happens quickly and painlessly
- Acupuncture is a healing method with no side effect
- Acupuncture can prevent you from life-long intake of prescribed me
- Acupuncture monthly sessions protect your health and well-being
- Human body needs maintenance more often than their vehicles
Clinical Relevance
In order to prevent yourself from having anxiety attack you should learn about your mind and become aware that each organ in human body relate and reflect individual emotion. You should read page 11 – You are the One, page 15-49, and especially page 61 – 69 about how to stop ignoring yourself in my book, Your MindBody Alliance & The Truth About Acupuncture.
Our clinical experience shows that people who are not educated in anatomy and physiology are not aware of how to preserve their health. The lack of knowledge and understanding how mind and body correlate leads people to feel out of control over their own health. Reading this book everyone becomes knowledgeable enough to withstand any body health problem and preserve one’s health.
You can find the book in a paper cover or electronic version here:
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If you have any questions or comments please call us on: (780) 443-0099 or fill out a contact request form below