Body Pain
Pinched Nerve
Acupuncture scope or practice is primarily based on stimulating the nerve endings signalling via nerve to the brain about different health issues. That’s why you rather should consider acupuncture treatment as a first aid when you are diagnosed with a pinched nerve.
A pinched nerve syndrome occurs due to a pressure applied onto the nerve by surrounding tissues, such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons and might cause pain, tingling, numbness or weakness.
A pinched nerve can occur in many areas throughout the body. For example, a herniated disk in the lower spine may put pressure on a nerve root. This may cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve and result in pain that radiates down either along the side or back of your leg. Likewise, a pinched nerve in your wrist can lead to pain and numbness in your hand and fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome).
Clinical Relevance
Understanding that pain is always a consequence of inflammation is easy if you have possibility to read chapter Inflammation and How to Deal with It on pages 139-146. There you can also find The List o Foods to Avoid during inflammation on page 144 of my book, Your MindBody Alliance & The Truth About Acupuncture.
Our clinical experience shows that people who are not educated in anatomy and physiology are not aware of how to preserve their health. The lack of knowledge and understanding how mind and body correlate leads people to feel out of control over their own health. Reading this book everyone becomes knowledgeable enough to withstand any body health problem and preserve one’s health.
You can find the book in a paper cover or electronic version here:
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