Fertility Problems


Often women come to clinic with intention to conceive. Sometimes they have a doctor’s diagnosis explaining that there is some health problem, but the most of times there is no clear reason why they can’t conceive.

TCM and Japanese Medicine have different understanding and vision of human body and the reasons that can stop a woman from conceiving. With a course of acupuncture treatments, the goal of becoming pregnant can be accomplished.
According to our clinical experience we helped every woman stepped in with complaint of difficulty to become pregnant.

Besides the ordinary examples, here was a case of a young lady who tried to conceive for few years without result and conceived just after having only three acupuncture visits. There was a case of 43 y-old lady who struggled for more than decade to become pregnant and after ten treatments conceived a baby daughter.

Clinical Relevance

Conception is natural process for every woman and if the problem to conceive occurs there is always the way to change the situation. The most important for a future mom is the mind and body balance.

You can read about how to create and control this balance on pages 19-49 and 61-64 in my book, Your MindBody Alliance & The Truth About Acupuncture.

Our clinical experience shows that people who are not educated in anatomy and physiology are not aware of how to preserve their health. The lack of knowledge and understanding how mind and body correlate leads people to feel out of control over their own health. Reading this book everyone becomes knowledgeable enough to withstand any body health problem and preserve one’s health.

You can find the book in a paper cover or electronic version here:

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