Pain shooting down the leg… Sciatica, what is it?

People who have one sided agonizing pain starting in lower back or hip and radiating down to the knee or heel is called Sciatic nerve inflammation or shortly Sciatica. Because Sciatic nerve divides mainly in two branches, so one is located along the side of the leg while the other is running through the back of the leg , so does the pain, drifting down the leg differently in different patients following either one branch or the other. In my practice I find that people who suffer from Sciatica often seek my help after they had taken prescribed anti inflammatory medication or made multiple visits to chiropractic doctor. You see, the pain could be the same but the causes of the pain could be different and hard to identify. It might come from the root of Sciatic nerve that could be either pinched in a lumbar area located primarily between L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1. or PSIS or being pressed by muscles like Gluteus Medius and/or Piriformis. Japanese medical body assessment based on precise palpation skills is essential key to identify the exact location of the Sciatica trigger that vary in each individual case, and special Japanese acupuncture treatment is applied to block the nerve, reduce or eliminate inflammation as well as alleviate the pain as fast as possible. Usually patient feels better right away after first treatment and might need to come two – three more visits unless the problem is chronic and had multiple occurrences before. Then, the procedure will be based on eliminating the cause and healing the nerve condition in order to restore the health and wellbeing of the spine and muscles involved to stop and prevent Sciatica in a future. When Sciatica strikes, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible because the consequences are brutal. Acupuncture is the best solution for Sciatica. Believe me. I was having Sciatica twice in three years period about twenty years ago. Walking on crutches and taking anti inflammatory meds, I was barely living my life for suffering from agonizing pain. I don’t to wish anyone to go through such experience. When it struck me for a second time, I promised myself that it will never happen to me again. And I hold to my promises. Moreover, that was the main reason that convinced me to learn Traditional Chinese Medicine and then Japanese medical health assessment and acupuncture along the way. Choose acupuncture for your sake to stop Sciatica harassing your life. Feel free of pain! After healing process is finalized the best exercise to prevent Sciatica inflammation is daily stretching your lower extremities. Feel Awesome!

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